| 1. | Analysis of water and soil conservation measures in construction schemes 以广东省东深供水改造工程水保方案为例 |
| 2. | Probe into the small hydropower scheme construction amp; amp; soil conservation measures 小水电建设与水土保持措施探讨 |
| 3. | Sediment yield reduction by soil conservation measure on slopes in the wudinghe river catchment 无定河坡面措施减沙和拦粗泥沙量分析 |
| 4. | Key areas arranged with soil conservation measures are depended on multi - factors comparison 水保措施布设的重点区域,须通过多因素比较才能确定。 |
| 5. | Article 27 any enterprise or institution must , in the course of construction or production , adopt water and soil conservation measures , and shall be responsible for the rehabilitation of the soil eroded 第二十七条企业事业单位在建设和生产过程中必须采取水土保持措施,对造成的水土流失负责治理。 |
| 6. | After the felling plan is approved by the department of forestry administration , the water and soil conservation measures for the fel1ing area shall be implemented under the supervision of the departments of water administration and forestry administration 采伐方案经林业行政主管部门批准后,采伐区水土保持措施由水行政主管部门和林业行政主管部门监督实施。 |
| 7. | Article 17 water and soil conservation measures must be adopted to prevent soil erosion when preparations for afforestation , tending of young growth , and cultivation of commodity trees such as oil - tea camellia and tung tree are done on hillsides with a slope of above 5 degrees 第十七条在五度以上坡地上整地造林,抚育幼林,垦复油茶、油桐等经济林木,必须采取水土保持措施,防止水土流失。 |
| 8. | Based on the co - linearity analysis of runoff and precipitation among different hydrological stations and various kinds of water and soil conservation measures , a statistical hydrological model of precipitation - soil and water conservation - runoff for the river basin is established by applying multiple regression method to analyze indicators and runoff data 摘要本文在变量共线性分析基础上,提出了流域降水量标度和水土保持标度及其计算方法,建立了流域降水水土保持径流统计模型,该模型不仅能分离水土保持措施对河川径流量影响程度,而且还可分析降水及水土保持对流域径流量变化的影响。 |
| 9. | Article 35 in the case of tree - felling in forest areas without adopting water and soil conservation measures , thus causing serious soil erosion , the department of water administration shall report thereon to the people ' s government at or above the county level for a decision to order a rectification within a fixed period of time and the adoption of remedial measures , and shall also impose a fine 第三十六条企业事业单位在建设和生产过程中造成水土流失,不进行治理的,可以根据所造成的危害后果处以罚款,或者责令停业治理;对有关责任人员由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分。 |
| 10. | Article 24 the local people ' s governments at various levels sha1l organize agricultura1 collective economic organizations and farmers to manage in a planned way the cultivated land with a slope of above 5 degrees but under the reclamation - forbidden degrees , by taking in line with different conditions such water and soil conservation measures as regulating drainage systems , building terraced fields , and practicing a method of cultivation conducive to water and soi1 conservation 第二十四条各级地方人民政府应当组织农业集体经济组织和农民,有计划地对禁止开垦坡度以下、五度以上的耕地进行治理,根据不同情况,采取整治排水系统、修建梯田、蓄水保土耕作等水土保持措施。 |